Do you cook with burdock root and konjac? Here, Masa cooks a miso soup with pork, burdock root and konjac.
Konjac is derived from the root of a starchy tuber plant, known as the amorphophallus konjac plant, which belongs to the Araceae genus family grown in China and Japan, where it has been harvested and consumed for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it's thought that konjac has properties of detoxification, tumour-suppression, blood stasis alleviation and phlegm liquefaction. Burdock contains high amounts of inulin and mucilage, which may ease certain gastrointestinal conditions. It also contains many bitter-tasting compounds thought to aid in digestion, and substances called polyacetylenes that have antimicrobial properties. In addition, burdock root may have the ability to lower blood sugar. Ancient texts classified burdock as an "alterative" or blood purifier. In Japan and elsewhere, it is eaten as a vegetable. In traditional Chinese medicine, burdock root is often used in combination with other herbs to treat sore throats, tonsillitis, colds, and even measles. Today, it is used to treat a variety of skin problems, including psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis and gout. 豬肉味噌湯定食/お野菜たっぷり豚汁定食 [ 2人份 ] 五花肉片 Sliced pork—120g 洋蔥 Onion-1/4個 紅蘿蔔 Carrot-20g 牛蒡 Burdock root-30g 白蘿蔔 Daikon—50g 蒟蒻片 Konjac—1/2片 蔥 Green onion—1支 日式高湯 Dashi—600cc 味噌 Miso—50~55g 胡麻油 Sesame oil—少許 七味粉 Nanami powder—適量 日式高湯做法: |
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